Monday, August 16, 2010

What's Going on at "The Crest"?

Wow we could'nt have picked a hotter day to do this! It is 99 degrees and feels like 109. Today we are core aerifying the Greens. We will continue tomorrow on the Tees. We are using a traditional coring tine that is 1/2 inch on 2 inch spacing. We will use a 5/8 inch coring tine of the tee boxes. Usually we try to verti-cut and aerify at the same time but because of the heat, we are trying to get holes punched, covered and watered as quickly as possible. We will then verti-cut and topdress again next Monday. The following are some pictures from today. The second is of a two-ton asphalt roller we rented. This will help work sand into the holes and roll out any tire tracks from equipment on the green. This will also help us level out some of our high collars around the edges of the greens. The high collars allow water to stand on the green and create problems because the water is not able to run off of the greens. We will continue using the roller on the Greens and Tees all week. We are looking forward to cleaning up and getting ready for the Club Championship in a few weeks.

Carter Hindes

Golf Course Superintendent

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