Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The NGA Hooters Tour is come and gone!

I can't believe we are already into mid July. We had come crazy weather to make the NGA Hooters Tour tournament even more challenging to setup for. The week prior we had 11 inches of rain and the Wednesday of the Pro-Am we had 3 1/2 more inches to top us off. Its was a whirlwind the week of the tournament to get the golf course even playable. We had many early mornings last week pushing water out of fairways shoveling bunkers and trying to cleanup before the four rounds of the tournament. My hat goes off to the staff and volunteers that helped us last week and put up with the enormous mosquito's. The tournament was a great success and that was made possible by all the hard work they put into it.
It is nice to be back to normal for our members to enjoy the course. We solid tine aerified and topdressed the greens on Monday. This will help break up the top layer of thatch and help us move water down into the profile of the greens. This practice was definitely needed after all the rain and wear and tear during the last seven days. Looking ahead we have the four-ball at the end of the month that we will be preparing for. Below are a few pictures I took during the NGA week. Hope to see you on the course!

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