Monday, July 11, 2011

Overdue Update!

It has been a long, hot and dry 6 months to start the year. I guess I haven't posted since the last time it rained. Well not quite but from January 23 to today we have recorded 4 inches of rainfall. We have had many challenges along the way but we are hopeful the drought will be over soon. We wrapped up our Club Championship in May and more recently our NGA Hooters Tour event. We had a great week during the NGA partly because we received an inch and a half of rain! The tournament was a success and we are now into the summer months of survival. Big thank yous go out to all of our members and volunteers that help every year to make this event so successful. Below are some pictures of the course the week of the tournament. The last picture is of a group of members that helped us fill divots the Saturday before the tournament. Thank you!

Now hopefully soon I can put down the water hose and pick up the keyboard for more updates on whats happening on the course.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Update at "The Crest"

As we wind down the year we are still waiting on those winter temperatures to move in. This week we saw highs in the low 80's with cooler temps on the way for Christmas. This has been a busy fall at Golfcrest as we have extended our high mowing frequency right through December. Usually this time of the year we are already concentrating on tree trimming and drainage projects. We have found ourselves still mowing rough and cleaning up leaves into December. This is not necessarily a bad thing for the grass. If you can remember last year at this time we had already had snow, record cold and heavy rainfall before Christmas. All areas of the golf course had become completely dormant by the first weeks of December.

As a result of the warmer temperatures our tee boxes, fairways and greens have stayed green and continued to grow creating a more plush playing surface than years past. We have continued spraying fertilizers in these areas through the last few months to keep them growing as long as possible. The first picture below is a picture I took last year around the same time in December. The following pictures are from December 2010. If the warmer weather sticks around through January we can expect a great start to 2011.
Carter Hindes
Golf Course Superintendent

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Finally, Cold Temps Moving In

Today was our first day to see frost on the ground. It did not effect any tee times but there was some on the driving range and native grass areas. After many weeks of summer heat and drought, we finally have broken the trend. We had about 5 inches of rain this week and the night time tempatures are creeping into the 40's. Moday we sprayed the majority of the golf course with our pre-emergent herbicides. We will finish #18 and the driving range on Monday. This application will help us eliminate many winter weeds from growing and keep the golf course clean with bermuda grass throughout the winter. Two weeks ago we put down our overseed on the driving range tees and par 3 tees on the course. We are starting to see this rye-grass fill in in some of these areas. We overseeded these selected tee boxes because of the wear and tear they receive from divots. When the bermudagrass becomes dormant and it is not overseeded it becomes very hard for it to recover. We have this same issue in the fairways most years. We have changed some fertility practices on the fairways leading into the fall and winter and I feel we are going to see positive results in the coming months. One thing to remember is to use the 90 degree rule throughout the winter. Cart traffic is the biggest contributor of the thinning fairways. The bottom line is the less traffic they receive, the better the lie will be. With that being said get out and enjoy the great golfing weather.

Carter Hindes
Golf Course Superintendent

Monday, October 11, 2010

2010 Black and White Member-Guest

The 2010 Member-Guest has come and gone. The greens were fast, drinks were cold and the weather couldn't have been better. We start a new week with topdressing and spiking the greens on Monday. This will help air out the greens a bit and recover better from the busy week and weekend we had. We will be cleaning up from the tournament and praying for rain this week. The golf course is very dry for October and we could use rain in any form. We had two hole-in-ones in Sunday's matches. Amazing. Congratulations to the winners and hope to see everyone back next year! Here are a few pictures I took of the course during the weekend.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Marathon Day!

Today we had our annual Golf Marathon. This tournament is a beat down. How many holes of golf can you play in a day? Next year sign up so you can find out. We had a few things we are trying to accomplish today on the course. We put down a granular fertilizer this morning before everyone hit the course. We also topdressed all the tees with sand (photo on left) and caught up on a few other task after the rainy weekend. We recieved a much needed .75 inches yesterday.

The picture above is of our cartpaths. You may ask yourself why the cartpath edges are brown? Last week we sprayed out all of the cracks in the cartpaths with Round-up. This browning look on some of the egdges was overspray. Grass grows in the seems and cracks of the paths overtime. Sometimes I scratch my head and think how can we grow grass on concrete but sometimes not on good soil? And even on asphalt? The oversprayed grass should recover just fine and I am sure in the future we will have to spray out the seems again. We have two full weeks to get ready for our Black and White Member-Guest. With the cooperation from mother nature we are hoping to have the course in great shape for one of our biggest tournaments of the year. Get out and enjoy the cooler weather. Thank you for your continued support of the club, and I hope to see you on the course!
Golf Course Superintendent
Carter Hindes

Monday, August 16, 2010

What's Going on at "The Crest"?

Wow we could'nt have picked a hotter day to do this! It is 99 degrees and feels like 109. Today we are core aerifying the Greens. We will continue tomorrow on the Tees. We are using a traditional coring tine that is 1/2 inch on 2 inch spacing. We will use a 5/8 inch coring tine of the tee boxes. Usually we try to verti-cut and aerify at the same time but because of the heat, we are trying to get holes punched, covered and watered as quickly as possible. We will then verti-cut and topdress again next Monday. The following are some pictures from today. The second is of a two-ton asphalt roller we rented. This will help work sand into the holes and roll out any tire tracks from equipment on the green. This will also help us level out some of our high collars around the edges of the greens. The high collars allow water to stand on the green and create problems because the water is not able to run off of the greens. We will continue using the roller on the Greens and Tees all week. We are looking forward to cleaning up and getting ready for the Club Championship in a few weeks.

Carter Hindes

Golf Course Superintendent

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The NGA Hooters Tour is come and gone!

I can't believe we are already into mid July. We had come crazy weather to make the NGA Hooters Tour tournament even more challenging to setup for. The week prior we had 11 inches of rain and the Wednesday of the Pro-Am we had 3 1/2 more inches to top us off. Its was a whirlwind the week of the tournament to get the golf course even playable. We had many early mornings last week pushing water out of fairways shoveling bunkers and trying to cleanup before the four rounds of the tournament. My hat goes off to the staff and volunteers that helped us last week and put up with the enormous mosquito's. The tournament was a great success and that was made possible by all the hard work they put into it.
It is nice to be back to normal for our members to enjoy the course. We solid tine aerified and topdressed the greens on Monday. This will help break up the top layer of thatch and help us move water down into the profile of the greens. This practice was definitely needed after all the rain and wear and tear during the last seven days. Looking ahead we have the four-ball at the end of the month that we will be preparing for. Below are a few pictures I took during the NGA week. Hope to see you on the course!